Final project: Ideas Generation

  I am interesting in Content Creating

What is the significance of Content Creating for me?

I first got acquainted with that topic in 2018, when I started to engage in civic activities and create educational content and its organisation together with the FRI Ukrainian youth teamI was fascinated by the opportunity to choose and learn from senior students of Ukrainian universities, who in fact passed on to me the skills they had acquired at their universities for free

Today, I am very glad that I chose a specialty that could lead me to Media Creating in the future. I enjoy my studies and I am happy that I made the right choice

Why I am interested in this?

I think the moment when I felt that the field of content creating was close to me was in high school, when I was a member of an Ukrainian organization "Foundation of Regional Initiatives" that was engaged in the development of youth in Ukraine. Among them was a direction related to media and journalism. Then we had more practical tasks, to research the target audiences of new projects, to conduct research on the social structure of regions in our country. I even conducted an interview!

Foundation of Regional Initiatives in Ukraine


In my first publication, I told about my hobby, there is photography.

In 15-17 years I liked to do portrait shooting

Then I had a break between the photo, the last time I returned to the photo of spring 2023, when I was 19 years old

Then I realized that I like the work of street photos, live emotions, different people or streets. I had sincere pleasure and I saw that I liked it to other people

I can't say that I was engaged a photo professionally, it was always like a hobby for me. This is what really inspired me and in the process I felt that I really love what I love with all my soul

Photo Journalism
In the previous post, I talked about a photographer who inspires me

After the start of the war in Ukraine, Anton began to tell the world about what was happening at home, and he did it the best way he could, through photography. He traveled to the most dangerous places, took photo reports and published them for the world to see. I think it is very inspiring.

Photo works by Anton Ptushkin

This is how I see photojournalism, it can be scary or dangerous,
but the result is worth it

Social media

For some time I worked in the SMM, which is directly related to social networks. This is another experience for which I am incredibly grateful. Then I was taught to work with the target audience, to create advertising that would interest the viewer. Also, to some extent, it helped me in planning, because we regularly created content plans, which should be creative and constantly updated.

In my opinion, social networks have become something more than just photos on Instagram and news on Facebook. Thanks to social media, we sold clothes, photographer services and created advertising.


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