Creating a Website: About me page

Journalism for me is on the one hand a constant research and study of people with their characters in order to be able to find an approach to everyone. On the other hand, there is a high level of professionalism in which there will always be something to learn and learning in this field is incredibly interesting because it is a versatile business

I started my path in this direction in 2021 at the Ivan Franko University in Ukraine, when I entered the Faculty of Journalism. In addition, I am interested in photojournalism, interviews and communications. This is where I see my future and want to share my achievements and path

I completed this and then I added this to my website by clicking on the right hand menu and going into my 'About' page. I then copied and pasted my test in from blogger to the website page and changed the font to match my fonts on the page. The final page look like this:

I also looked at the mobile view and adjusted my names and made it smaller so that it fitted correctly on the page

As a result I decided to change the main photo and now the result looks like this:

Now I have decided to separate my "Home" and "About me" pages. I also changed the overall photo format and made it bigger. The last step was to rewrite the main text about me

And this is what the mobile version looks like


  1. Good that you have completed this and have both desktop and mobile view


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