Website Feedback and UX Testing

Today I will crate my feedback form for testing my web-site with questing regard my website and key aspects in technical issues and design. My website is ready, the last thing left to do is to finish and upload my final project about the interview. 

Firstly, I was created feedback google form and add it to my website as last tag in the main menu and that's look like this: 

Then I shared my website with my group and waited for responds some time. 
In a result I got 6 responds on my form and here there results:

Question 1

66.7% of the respondents thought my homepage is "Wonderful" and 33.3% of the responders answers "Good job". I do like my Home page, but I think it will be better if I change the main picture, because future audience could be confuse about context and main idea of my website.

Question 2 

100% of the responders told that information on my website is interesting and well understood, what is great. And I also like how is it worse and looks.

Question 3 

I truly pleased about all the responds and contact page is my favorite. So I would live it how it's looks now and of course I did check all the navigation and connecting absolvers to my mail - it's working well.

Question 4  

I dad add link to my instagram page and my blog on the google, also I was glad that 100% of the responders was pleased with main menu and links on my social links. on my opinion everything is looks and works great, so I don't have a plan to change anything in this point.

Question 5 

In that question I was the most wondering about navigation and technic of the main menu and of course I am very pleased about all the answers with 100% of good work.

Question 6

Part of the Introduction was really significant to me and I am absolutely happy that 100% the respondent answer that they find introduction to my project interesting and well understood, and I like it as well, so I don't have any plan to make changes here.

Question 7 

I had a suggestion to add some more project, well I would do that in my next semester, because now we have focus to our first project. And, of course add my main project what I should finish soon. 

There is how my main project page looks like just now and I will add my final article on the right side. What about the left side, I have a plan left it how it is, because I like all the information and design.

Question 8  

I am still pleased and glad that 100% of responders liked design of my contact page. 
I was only noticed one mistake with picture:

And I did correct that already!

Question 9

Again, I was truly happy than almost all the visitors on my website left great comments and I got one recommend to add more information and project. Well, I will add my interview project very soon. I just add some more info about me in "About me" page, I told more about my experience and interests. 

In Overall, I was happy with the result of my work on the website and I thankful to all the feedbacks from my group!


  1. Good that you have completed this with your good responses - well done


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