Self study: First photography shoot for photo project

Hey Team!

Today I would like to start my practical steps the main photo project. On my previous blog post I have already shown the initial ideas and plan for my main photo shoot. In this post, I want to show my model for the shoot, the location and of course process. 

The issues addressed in this shoot are quite personal to me, so I wanted to express them through someone who could feel and understand them. I decided to share the idea with my classmate, who became my model for the portrait shoot.

Then we were thinking about location for shooting and went to Victoria park in Leicester together on Sunday sunset time, around 15.00 pm. I choose to use my old camera Nikon D3000 and some sitings with lighting. First of all ISO 200, F 5.6 and exposure -0.3. I wanted to create effect of a bit of blurry photo, so was changing ISO from 200 to 400 and several times change exposure from 0.0 to -0.7

There is result witch I got and download to the Contact sheets:

In this shooting I managed to create the ideas from my inspiration post and I really like it. Especially pictures with hidden face under the hands or scarf looks really how I thought about. Some of this pictures little bit blurred, in moments of movement "dancing". We tried to not show emotions or bright feelings for expressing highness of the personality on this pictures, I guess that's also works well. 

F 4.5, 1/200, ISO 200, exposure -0.3

On this pictures Victoria looked like really cold person or person with cold feelings and eyes, what I think would be good representation of my main idea.

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

I love almost everything on this picture except one detail with hand and nails, maybe it would be more better to cut this fragment and left main focus to the face and eyes.

F5.6, 1/100, ISO 200, exposure -0.3

I like hoe Viktoria looking up on this picture and that's make me feel that she was thinking about something in her head, and she don't really cere about events around her. 

F5.6, 1/200, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

On this both shoots I feel desire of main character to have a rest and hide from everything or everyone somewhere where she can feel pease and rest. Green colour for me is a symbol of such desire, were we can have a rest.

F5.6, 1/200, ISO 200, exposure -0.3

Express sense of confusing and tiredness. 

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

Here I wanted to show how far away from our view people usually could be.

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

I really wanted to show some pictures with blurred and unclear moments of movements, which connected with hair, face or clothes. To show unclear representations of the feelings inside of the person.

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

I do have one similar example which we have tried to represent in our shooting as well. We can't see Victorias face fully because she tried to hide upon the scarf / hair.

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

F5.6, 1/250, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

I guess there is my favourite pictures, where we absolutely can't see face of the main character and on my opinion here I can see the best representations of main idea of the shooting. 

F4.5, 1/200, ISO 200, exposure 0.0

One more good pictures with unclear and blurred moment of movement wich I like as well.


  1. Good that you have posted your first shoot some well composed images and some understanding shown of the settings and light - well done


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