Photography Research: A man Best Friend

 In this post I would like to write research about my photography project. Moreover, as I plan to create London street style photography project there is important to read other photographers works and considerate main codes and narratives of those works.

 My photo project is about people on the streets who are reflect face of London,I would love to show emotions, feelings and beauty in simple things. The main point there is a lot of different and colourful details which connect to each other to full picture and create the context. “Street style started as something authentic, it still has some of that feel to it even though situations might be staged, or at least more planned than before. A lot of it is in the technical details: pictures taken outside, in natural light, will always look more authentic than those shot in a studio.” (Søren, 2020)

I would love to talk about work of Jill Freedman "A man Best Friend" showed us a picture of a man sits with a pet chimpanzee on steps in MacDougal Street, Greenwich Village, New York City, 1972. Firs thought there is surprise, there is look really strange, not simple day. Is that man really love him animal so mush? 

Author showed how people could express love, while asking us to remember that we are animals too. "Humans don't always follow the old adage "treat others as you want to be treated" when it comes to other species, and she feels we often cover up this fact." ( Freedman, 2017)

A man Best Friend" by  Jill Freedman

The relationship in the image is really genuine and the monkey is looked trust to him owner (or better to say friend). On the other hand, I still can see the a chain connecting to the neck of the monkey I guess, there is what still give to the reader way of reality in those friendship. There is pictures which was made on the streets of New York at early 1970, black and white picture with feelings of some pease of mind and brake where is two friends sited to relax on the stairs. How I can understand there is sun lighting on the middle of the day. There is no special position or something really important happened on the photo. But that photo is B&W witch give to us historical context of that period of time, same we can say about the clothes of that man. those picture has something what expect to see in my photo project - reality of people feelings on the streets, them friendship or love, relationship with each other and, of course catching all of those moments by the camera without special posing.


Freedman, J. (1972). A Man Best Friend. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2024].

Freedman, J. (2017). Photos of Animals with Their Humans. [online] Vice. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2024].

Vocast (2019). The State of Street Style Photography: What’s Ahead? [online] VOCAST. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2024].


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